This trait should not be used along with my other personality disorder traits because they replace the same buffs. > changes: lowered chance of getting negative moodlets from conversations, deleted 3 moodlets related to this. > changes: Added Portuguese-Brazil translation by alissontutoriais as additional file.

I should have just done that sooner, sorry. In the end, I just decided to solve it manually, which didn't really take long. I made this for myself and thought I would share if others were interested in it.I took way longer than I should have, but I was waiting for Mod Constructor to fix an issue that made it impossible to export mixer interactions.

My Anxiety trait/mod is based on my own anxiety, so yours may differ from mine as not everyone has the same anxiety symptoms. Unzip the file and place all four parts of the mod (which are labeled easily) into your mods folder! If you do not want to use Xanax, remove the files labeled Xanax! But it needs the Anxiety Trait to function right! I assume that came with Get to Work so this mod needs that if you decide to use the Xanax features. Note: It only lasts for so long before they will need more! You can buy Xanax bottles from the Purchase Medicine picker from the computer. So the new stuff: You can now take Xanax to treat your Anxiety! Taking Xanax will remove certain anxiety buffs (see under cut for examples) and essentially treat your sim’s anxiety problems.

This trait includes OCD (with multiple obsessions), Social Anxiety, General Anxiety Disorder, and may even result in panic attacks if they get stressed out enough! Should be Base Game compatible but does incorporate some features from other EPs and SPs. I made this into a new whole mod too! This was made with patch 1.90 and High School Years. Guys I finally revamped my Anxiety Trait!!!!! I told you I would.